Friday, February 20, 2015

Organizing Craze!

Lately, I've been organizing like crazy in my classroom and at home. One of the biggest problems that I have is organizing my planning time and all of the copies of papers that I make for the week. I came up with a lovely filing system so that I can keep those crazy papers from being in an unorganized mess on my desk! My Title One and RTI students have book boxes to keep their materials organized and I had a few extra so I put them to work! Check them out below.
I used my cute neon book boxes and labeled them with each day of the week and one with a "To Copy" label. Then I add simple manila folders for each of my groups (you can use for each subject). I also added a few folders in the "To Copy" box to keep those papers organized! Now during my 45 minute planning period I have one task that I do everyday. Monday is create and find day where I create or find worksheets or activities for my lessons for the following week. Tuesday is planning day and Wednesday is my library day (I also work in the library so this is the day that I spend in there). Thursday miscopy day and Friday is when I organize and put all my copied worksheets in there proper folders. This has done wonders for my time management and organization! Then my week is all planned and organized, so I can just walk over and grab the folder that I need for my lesson instead of searching through a pile of papers on my desk! 

Happy Friday!

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